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제목Celebrate International Dance Day with Dance Parade April 29th!2019-08-19 19:33

Celebrate International Dance Day with Dance Parade April


 Dance Parade takes place May 17, 2008, but we will have our first

Dance Parade sampler at Dance Manhattan on April 29th, 2008.
Dance Manhattan
 will be the site of our First Fun Raiser, “Dance
Parade Sampler” on Tuesday, April 29th, and International Dance


Help us to reach our $6000 goal to help pay for a main stage, insurance and marketing costs.

A fun raising event at Dance Manhattan studios! Performances that will give you a Taste of the Dance Parade, a silent auction and a free salsa lesson.

Who will win tickets to the
Joyce Theater? Or dance lessons to Salsa, Swing, Belly, Ballroom or Tango?
AND subscriptions to Answers4Dancers? Or Dance Parade Memorabilia?

Tuesday, April 29th 2008, at Dance Manhattan (5th Fl, 39 W. 19th St. bet. 5th & 6th). 
The suggested fun raiser contribution is $20 per ticket, or two tickets for $25 in advance with an RSVP to fun@danceparade.org by April 27th. 

WHO: Dance Parade
WHAT: Dance Parade Sampler “Fun Raiser” to
celebrate International Dance Day
WHERE” Dance Manhattan 39 West19th Street. Bet. 5th & 6th, floor five, NYC.

WHEN: Tuesday,
April 29, 2008 6:15 pm
Cost of Ticke
ts before April 27th - 2 Tickets for $25, a Savings of $7.50 per Ticket!

Cost of Tickets after April 27th and at the Door $20 each ticket.


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